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Command of the Heights

Fort Amherst

Located south east of Chatham Historic Dockyard and to the north east of Chatham’s town centre.  Fort Amherst is one of the country’s best preserved Napoleonic Fortresses. It was built to defend the Royal Dockyard, Chatham and to cut off the threat to London by invading French troops.

The aim of the project was to restore, conserve and enhance the important history of the site; to celebrate its history and its past through the restoration and creation of a new amphitheatre / performance venue.  This project resulted in a vibrant and welcoming space which has secured a sustainable future for the site.

The public realm works in this area are sensitive to the historic context of the site, whilst at the same time providing a high quality public space which draws people in and begins to tell the story of the ‘Command of the Heights’.

The aim was to bring the history of the site back to life through interventions and installations which help to tell the story of the past, as well as the future through interpretation and artwork as part of the new landscape design and public realm.

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