Sure Start Centres
With the initial design and planning consent procured by Medway Council, Coleman & James were awarded the Design and Construct contract for two Sure Start Centres.
We were charged with taking the initial design scheme forward to satisfy Building Control, the Planning Conditions, our Client and the Schools.
Working with the Medway team we believe we met, and even bettered their expectations. With the assistance of the Architects, we think the outcome was a pleasing, cost effective building from an initial outline scheme.
In addition to the extension shown in the photographs other works included:
Soft Play Area
Play Equipment
Some internal remodelling
The Sure Start Centre and Nursery Extension at Saxon Way Primary School followed the architecture of the existing school. Medway Council had proposed an outline of the scheme, and gained planning consent prior to tender.
The project benefited greatly from a good team spirit shown by the Client, the Head Teacher and Buildings Manager. Whilst as always, choosing the colour scheme seemed to be the hardest task for the team to settle on, the interior space provides a 'soft and friendly' environment.
The contracts were completed on time.